我們是如何開始的? 致謝

In early 2020, we started with a review on possible treatment for Covid19. 

2020 年初,我們開始檢視 Covid19 的可能治療方法。 

COVID-19: An Update on the Epidemiological, Clinical, Preventive and Therapeutic Evidence and Guidelines of Integrative Chinese–Western Medicine for the Management of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease

We hope to work with the population to understand the pandemic, to help each other with information collected here and to get appropriate treatment via Telemedicine cum philanthropy projects.

The vision, mission and acknowledgement in 2020 is archived for records.

我們希望與不同人合作,了解這場流行病,利用此處收集的資訊互相幫助,並透過遠距醫療暨慈善計畫獲得適當的治療。 2020年的願景、使命和致謝已存檔。 


  1.  由於疫症於全球大爆發,世界各地不可避免將有輸入/本土個案形成的繼發高峰。
  2.  現時用作遏止及緩和疫情的措施並不足。
  3.  有證據顯示中藥可預防及減輕病情。
  4. 迫切需要利用中醫視像診症以減少感染數字、嚴重個案及死亡,亦可避免醫院的前線工作負荷過重及崩潰。
  5.  鑑於約有幾成感染個案均無症狀,中醫藥的治未病概念可減少更多隱形病人。


  1.  以科學與專家意見為本建立可靠性高的網上資訊與臨床諮詢平台。
  2.  為市民提供網上治未病服務,以減少社交接觸,及支援各類檢疫隔離人群。
  3.  為高危及貧困市民「贈醫施藥」。
  4. 促進三方(大學、慈善機構及商界)合作,服務社會,推動科研,提高中醫藥在本地及全球的地位。


  1.  With the raging pandemic, local and imported cases may produce recurrent and sustained epidemic peaks in different parts of the world.
  2.  Containment and mitigation measures are not good enough to prevent transmission.
  3. There is evidence that Chinese Medicine may prevent the disease and reduce severity.
  4. There is an urgent need to use telemedicine to- Reduce infection numbers- Reduce severity & death- Prevent overload & collapse of hospitals
  5. Since substantial number of COVID-19 infection is asymptomatic, the “治未病” concept of Chinese medicine would help to decrease this pool of hidden patients.


  1. To build a reliable information and clinical service portal based on scientific and/or expert advice, targeting influenza in general, and COVID-19 in particular.
  2. To serve the community in providing telemedicine consultation when there is a need for social distancing and “quarantine”.
  3. To help the needy and high risk population by providing free consultation and free medication for needy patients.
  4. To facilitate tripartite collaboration of academics, charity organization and commercial sector to serve our community, conduct research, and enhance the position of Chinese medicine locally and globally.


  • Beijing Tong Ren Tang Hong Kong Medicine Management Ltd.
  • Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Pharmacists Association
  • Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation
  • Hong Kong SKH Lady MacLehose Centre
  • Institute of Healthcare Management of The Hong Kong Management Association
  • Joseph Needham Foundation for Science & Civilization (Hong Kong)
  • School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong
  • Research team of Chinese medicinal pharmacy, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
  • All volunteer Chinese Medicine Practitioners,
  • All Information Education Communication (IEC) advisers and editors,
  • Dr Wilson Fung for telemedicine application development,
  • Mr Gabriel Yu for generous donation and encouragement,
  • Hon Prof Vivian Taam Wong for conception, donation and execution.


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  2. 另外, 部份的健康資訊源自其他第三者營運之機構或網站。本網站盡力審核所提供資訊的準確性,惟仍會存在資訊失誤或過時的可能性。本網站並不對上述資訊作出任何承擔或認可。重申資訊乃供參考之用, 及謹記向合資格的醫生求助。