
  • Vivian Taam Wong, JP 黃譚智媛

Hon Fellow of the University of Hong Kong & Hong Kong Metropolitan University


Hon Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, the University of Hong Kong

Hon Professor, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Former Adjunct Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

CM Related Positions:

  • Hon President, HK Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine
  • Former Executive Board Member, Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine
  • Former Board Member, China Association for Acupuncture and Moxibustion
  • Member, International Clinical Standards of Traditional Chinese Medicine Committee,      World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)
  • Member, New Drug Discovery in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine Committee, WFCMS
  • Executive Member, Anti-aging Committee, WFCMS
  • Vice President, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association
  • Board of Director, GP-TCM Research Association
  • HK Coordinator, Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine
  • Member, Advisory Committee, School of Chinese Medicine, HK Baptist University

Key Past Appointments:

  • Research Fellow, Medical Unit, Royal Free Hospital Medical School, London
  • Public Health Specialist, Policy & Research, Population Health & Nutrition, The World Bank
  • Reader in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, the University of  Hong Kong
  • Hospital Chief Executive, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
  • Director, Professional Services & Medical Development; Director, Strategy & Planning;            Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
  • Hon Advisor in Integrative Medicine, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
  • Hon Senior Advisor to Dean of Medical Faculty, the University of Hong Kong

Past Service to International Organizations:

  • Secretary, Panel on Steroidal Contraceptives, International Planned Parenthood Federation
  • Chairman, Committee on Safe Motherhood, International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics
  • Member, International Committee, International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
  • Member, Scientific Council, International Association for Maternal & Neonatal Health
  • Member of Committees under World Health Organization (Maternal Health Research, MCH/FP in Primary Health Care, RCT for Evaluation of New Antenatal Care Model)
  • Senior Advisor, GP-TCM in the post genomic era (EU FP7)

Key Past Professional Service in HK

  • President, The Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Hong Kong
  • President, Hong Kong Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health
  • Junior Vice President, The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Trustee, Hong Kong Obstetrical & Gynaecological Trust Fund
  • Vice Chairman, UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association

With wide research interest from perinatology, haematology, hepatology to Chinese Medicine, her initial first-authored papers appeared in New England Journal of Medicine in 1978 and Lancet in 1984.  She has been on editorial boards of 6 journals, and has published >130 peer-reviewed papers, and co-edited the book “Challenges of SARS”.  She was responsible for setting up the unique Hong Kong-wide Research Ethics Committee system and standards enabling multicentre trials.  The high quality network of Chinese Medicine Centre for Training and Research in each districts in Hong Kong was established under her leadership. She is now steering education, research and knowledge transfer to support collaboration among CM and western medicine practitioners.




  • Thomas H Cheng 鄭浩

BMed, MCM, Certificates of Old & New Testament Studies and Theological & Historical Studies


  • Chong Man Nga 莊雯雅

B.Sc (Chinese Medicinal Pharmacy)(Honours)


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