Nat Med | 中南大学吴芳等团队合作发现情绪会影响免疫检查点抑制剂治疗的效果
出處:生物探索 情绪困扰(ED),通常以抑郁和/或焦虑的症状为特征,在癌症患者中很普遍。临床前研究表明,ED可损害抗肿瘤免疫应答,但很少有临床研究探讨其与免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIs)应答的关系。...
出處:生物探索 情绪困扰(ED),通常以抑郁和/或焦虑的症状为特征,在癌症患者中很普遍。临床前研究表明,ED可损害抗肿瘤免疫应答,但很少有临床研究探讨其与免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIs)应答的关系。...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By MITCH LESLIE Source Science Many influencers, athletes, and regular folks swear by ketogenic diets—skimping on carbs and...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Liz Scherer Source Medscape As the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care prepares to release its anticipated updated...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Megan Brooks Source Medscape Hospitalized patients with dementia and dysphagia are often prescribed a "dysphagia diet," made...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Associated Press Source Medpagetoday How good would an algorithm have to be to take over your job? It's a new question for...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Kerry Dooley Young Source Medscape Many women fear taking these vaginal products due to what Powell considers excessively...
出處:中國中醫 4月30日,神舟十七号载人飞船返回舱成功着陆,航天员汤洪波、唐胜杰、江新林安全顺利出舱,神舟十七号载人飞行任务取得圆满成功。由天津中医药大学郭义教授研究团队研发的便携式穴位刺激装置,又一次为在轨航天员提供了具有中国特色的健康防护。...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Smriti Mallapaty Source:Nature The first person to publicly release the genome sequence of the virus that causes COVID-19 —...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Amy Maxmen Source KFFhealthnews The World Health Organization has issued a report that transforms how the world understands...