Hydroxychloroquine RCTs: ‘Ethically, the Choice Is Clear ‘
類型: 連結 作者: F. Perry Wilson 出處: Medscape 連結: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/935058
類型: 連結 作者: F. Perry Wilson 出處: Medscape 連結: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/935058
類型: 連結 作者: 健康时报 出處: sina.com 連結:...
類型: 連結 作者: Stephen Padilla 出處: MIMS 連結:...
Hong Kong seems to have given the world a lesson in how to effectively curb COVID-19. With a population of 7.5 million, it has reported just 4 deaths. Researchers studying Hong Kong’s approach have already found that swift surveillance……
Researchers in Shanghai hope to determine whether some recovered coronavirus patients have a higher risk of reinfection after finding surprisingly low levels of Covid-19 antibodies in a number of people discharged from hospital…….