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Doc Hay: A Chinese Herbalist Combating the 1918–1919 Influenza Pandemic in America

This is a story about a Chinese herbalist Ing “Doc” Hay who combated the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic in the America West. As an immigrant, he came to the States as a laborer, but he had knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine due to his family heritage. This made it possible for him to start practicing in the Chinese community in John Day, Oregon, until 1948 when he retired. During the time of the pandemic running wild in the 1910s, he prescribed formulas aimed at flu and boiled herbal decoction, personally delivering it to a working site for those Chinese laborers as well as non-Chinese patients. None of the laborer patients treated by him died during this deadly pandemic. Due to his success and fame, his practice was booming even after the Chinese community disappeared in John Day in later years…






相信很多人都有失眠多梦睡不着的习惯,事实上,与其说是习惯,不如说是病。 中医认为,白天养阳,晚上养阴。晚上失眠、睡得晚就会造成阴虚火旺和上热下寒等症状,比如爱上火、口腔溃疡、牙疼、长痘痘、便秘、腿脚冰凉…… 失眠如果不加以改善,会引起高血压、心脏病,甚至会增加患癌的几率,所以一开始就应该注意⋯⋯