Specific Personality Traits May Influence Dementia Risk
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Megan Brooks Source Medscape TOPLINE: People who are extroverted and conscientious and have a positive outlook may be at lower...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Megan Brooks Source Medscape TOPLINE: People who are extroverted and conscientious and have a positive outlook may be at lower...
出處:奇点神思 自闭症(ASD)是一种常见的、高度遗传性的神经发育障碍。 有统计数据显示,在全球范围内,自闭症的患病率在1%左右,近年来还有增加的趋势[1]。...
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Eva Blix et al. Source NIH Stressed subjects exhibited significant reductions in the GM volumes of the anterior cingulate...