對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Jude Coleman Source Nature Rice has been used as a scaffold to grow beef muscle and fat cells, resulting in an edible, “nutty”...
One in 10 People With COVID During Pregnancy Will Develop Long COVID
類型: 連結 作者: Rachael Robertson 出處: MedpageToday 連結: https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/smfm/108711
RTHK精靈一點:2024.02.13 精神情緒因素在痛症中的角色(西醫角度)
節目內容:click here
Shaping the Future of Effective Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Jeremy Faust et al. Source Medpagetoday To address the expanding presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare,...
Estimating the role of air quality improvements in the decline of suicide rates in China
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Peng Zhang et al. Source Nature Abstract Emerging evidence suggests that air pollution may play a role in shaping suicide risk...
Bariatric Surgery Tied to Long-Term Cognitive Benefits
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Kate Kneisel Source Medpagetoday Gastric bypass surgery in people with severe obesity was associated with sustained...
Dementia Predicted 10 Years Before Diagnosis
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Judy George Source Medpagetoday Blood protein profiles predicted future dementia in healthy adults, a large longitudinal study...
出處:美篇 作者:陳嘉成(志成)博士 龍鱗草又名廣金錢草,為蝶形花科植物,廣東涼茶廿四味的主要原料,其氣味清香、味甘淡、性涼能清利小便、排結石、兼解暑熱之口渴。 龍鱗草現代用治療 膀胱結石、腎結石、膽結石、肝硬化、小兒疳積、⋯⋯⋯等等疾病。...
出處:本草博物 龙是中华民族最吉祥也最神秘的存在,在我们的文化里,既有“潜龙勿用”“飞龙在天”等《易经》妙语,也有“龙生九子”“叶公好龙”等传说故事,日常生活中更是不乏各种龙的形象。 ...
Chinese medicine practitioners’ consensus on traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic patterns, symptoms, and herbal formulas for COVID-19 survivors: A Delphi study
類型: 連結 作者: Jiayin Ruan et al. 出處: ScienceDirect 連結: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1876382024000106