出處:經絡之聲 第十二章 三阴三阳概念解析 (接连载84) 2.三阴三阳对阴阳之气的定量描述...
Does Exercise Reduce Cancer Risk? It’s Just Not That Simple
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Amy Norton Source Medscape "Exercise is medicine" has become something of a mantra, with good reason. There's no doubt that...
出處:經絡之聲 第十三章 经脉脏腑相关解析...
Sulfites Selected as ACDS Allergen of the Year
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Heidi Splete Source Medscape Sulfites, present in foods, drinks, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, have been named...
黃譚智媛的博客:改善男女健康服務不平等 增加一兆美元生產經濟量
作者: 黃譚智媛 出處: 信報 閱讀全文:click here
Cancer-causing Chemical Found in Clinique, Clearasil Acne Treatments, U.S. Lab Reports
對不起,此内容只適用於English。Source Medscape (Reuters) -High levels of cancer-causing chemical benzene were detected in some acne treatments from brands...
CVD Risks Tied to Teeny-Tiny Plastics Lodged in Atherosclerotic Plaque
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Nicole Lou Source Medpagetoday It was common for tiny plastic particles from the environment to infiltrate people's vascular...
Short Sleep Ups Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Even With Healthy Diet
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Miriam E. Tucker Source Medscape TOPLINE: Habitual short sleep duration was associated with an increased risk of...
出處:北京大学人民医院中医科 一年有四季,每季分三时 春季分为:孟春、仲春、季春 “惊蛰”节气是孟春最后一个节气,也是开启仲春,迎来温暖春意的承前启后的节气。 仲春 是极富诗意的时节。 惊蛰之际,春雨适时降落,春雷随之而来。 “春雷一震万物甦”...
RTHK精靈一點:2024.03.05 腰椎間盤突出症之西醫及物理治療
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