對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Abhishek Kumar Verma et al. Source bioRxiv Abstract Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) encompasses persistent neurological...
出處:奇点神思 有一种说法是,安慰剂是全世界在研究中使用最广泛的“治疗方法”。在精神疾病领域的研究中,安慰剂组参与者通常也会表现出一定程度的疾病改善,这使得分辨研究药物相对安慰剂的有效性十分具有挑战性。...
出處:花开心岸 导 读 情境性抑郁症和临床抑郁症是不同的,情境性抑郁症通常发生在改变生活的事件之后,而临床抑郁症有一系列原因,是一种较长期的病症。情境性抑郁症和临床抑郁症有相似之处,但并不相同。认识到这两种抑郁症之间的区别是获得帮助的第一步。在医学上,情境性抑郁症是一种...
SARS-CoV-2 Disease Severity and Cycle Threshold Values in Children Infected during Pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron Periods, Colorado, USA, 2021–2022
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Laura Bankers et al. Source CDC Abstract In adults, viral load and disease severity can differ by SARS-CoV-2 variant, patterns...
Regulation and application of Chinese herbs in the US: misuse is the main cause of toxic incidents
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Liu, Willow Source Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine The World Health Assembly endorsed the revised International Classification...
Most accurate mutations in SARS-CoV-2 genomes identified in Uzbek patients show novel amino acid changes
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Mirzakamol S. Ayubov et al. Source Frontiers Purpose: The rapid changes in the coronavirus genomes created new strains after...
Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology in the Retina
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Bhakta Prasad Gaire et al. Source Sciencedirect Abstract The retina is an emerging CNS target for potential noninvasive...
出處: 经络之声 第二节 膜结构与膜原 3膜原可为邪气侵袭之处...
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