出處:中國中醫 湿气重的表现是什么?中医如何认识湿?祛湿应先祛除哪“六害”?一起来看看吧~...
Spontaneous Right Intrapetrous Internal Carotid Dissection in a Patient With Active COVID-19
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Oscar Noble et al. Abstract Spontaneous cervical artery dissection, a nontraumatic tear in the wall of an internal carotid or...
Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Persistent Intestinal Epithelial Syndrome (SPIES) as a Novel Disease Entity using Clinical, Histologic, and RNA Programmatic Data
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Thomas Wallach et al. Source MedRxiv Abstract “Long COVID” (LC) remains an ongoing issue and one which has created a...
How the New Vitamin D Guidelines Will, and Won’t, Change My Practice
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Kenneth W. Lin Source Medscape A few months ago, my health system added a clinical decision support function to our electronic...
出處:天然药物发现和计算药物设计 近年来,学术界和产业界建立了越来越多的中医药相关数据库。在此总结了12个中医药相关的数据库。 LTM-TCM:一个在分子和表型水平上将传统中医与现代医学联系起来的综合数据库。全称是Linking of Traditional Chinese Medicine...
SARS-CoV- 2 spike does not interact with the T cell receptor or directly activate T cells
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Stephanie A. Gaglione et al. Source PNAS Abstract SARS-CoV-2 infection can induce multisystem inflammatory syndrome in...
Long-term risk of autoimmune diseases after mRNA-based SARS-CoV2 vaccination in a Korean, nationwide, population-based cohort study
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Seung-Won Jung et al. Source Nature Abstract The long-term association between mRNA-based coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)...
Sleep Disturbances Increase Susceptibility to COVID-19
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Heidi Splete Source Medscape Individuals with preexisting sleep disturbances including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),...
出處:中國中醫 正所谓“小暑不算热,大暑正伏天”。 大暑节气常在“中伏”前后,是一年中最炎热的时期。 此时,酷热盛行,自然界中湿气也依然较重。暑气与湿气夹杂,容易消耗人体的气津。 再加上天气炎热,人体阳气外浮,汗孔开张,最容易受到寒气的侵扰。 因此,大暑期间养生需注重防暑、防湿、防寒!...