對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Laura Gebetsberger et al. Source Taylor&Francis Online SARS-CoV-2 hijacks host CD55, CD59 and Factor H to impair...
Evaluation of post-acute COVID-19 health outcomes (ECHOES) in England: The development of national surveillance system for long- term health outcomes following COVID-19
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Hester Allen et al. Source medRxiv Evaluation of post-acute COVID-19 health outcomes (ECHOES) in England : The development of...
Incident COVID-19 infections before Omicron in the U.S
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Rachel Lobay et al. Source medRxiv 美國新冠,十倍嚴重 斷症失誤,禍害全球 This study shows that the number of reported COVID-19 cases in the U.S....
出處:奇点网 以前有个朋友,肠胃特别脆弱,换环境动辄水土不服,遇到什么事儿就很容易拉肚子。后来我学到肠易激综合征(IBS),感觉他可能有这个问题。...
Long Covid: a global health issue – a prospective, cohort study set in four continents
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Ekaterina Pazukhina et al. Source BMJ 全球長新冠,富裕貧窮觀 黃泉無客店,病毒共存歡 From a prospective, observational study of 11,860 adults (age:...
Increased post-COVID-19 behavioral, emotional, and social problems in Taiwanese children
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Chi-Yung Shang et al. Source Sciencedirect 台灣兒童,新冠後遺 From a study of 84 children (age: 6–16) within 6 months after being...
Compromised endothelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling mediates the blood-brain barrier disruption and leads to neuroinflammation in endotoxemia
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Xiaowen Huang et al. Source BMC 新冠敗血,腦病叢生 48.9 million people suffer from sepsis each year, and 19.7% of global deaths are...
One-year trajectories of physical and mental health-related quality of life, fatigue and dyspnoea in COVID-19 survivors
對不起,此内容只適用於English。By Gerko Schaap et al. Source Springer Link From a one-year follow-up study of 500 participants who contracted COVID-19 in the...
出處:經絡之聲 第十八章 “真气”及相关气概念解析 第二节《灵枢•刺节真邪》对邪气的阐述 由《灵枢•刺节真邪》的篇名可以看出,真气与邪气为一组对立概念。紧接在真气的定义之后,《灵枢•刺节真邪》继续指出:...
出處:經絡之聲 第十八章 “真气”及相关气概念解析 第一节 从《灵枢•刺节真邪》看真气的本质 (接127)...