Long Covid: a global health issue – a prospective, cohort study set in four continents
By Ekaterina Pazukhina et al. Source BMJ 全球長新冠,富裕貧窮觀 黃泉無客店,病毒共存歡 From a prospective, observational study of 11,860 adults (age: 41-62 y/o)...
By Ekaterina Pazukhina et al. Source BMJ 全球長新冠,富裕貧窮觀 黃泉無客店,病毒共存歡 From a prospective, observational study of 11,860 adults (age: 41-62 y/o)...
By Diane Lee et al. Source Cambridge University 医院播新冠,兒童感染多 The study found that healthcare-associated COVID-19 infections in Canadian children...
By Mariano I. Gabitto et al. Source Nature Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in older adults. Although AD...
認知障礙 : 從份子,細胞到病徵 This cohort includes 33 male donors and 51 female donors, with an average age at time of death of 88 years. Researchers used...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:逻辑神经科学 撰文︱巫晓慧审阅︱王君明 点评︱陈 刚(暨南大学),杨莉(上海中医药大学)责编︱王思珍...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:生物探索 一只蝴蝶在热带雨林中轻轻扇动翅膀,这看似微不足道的动作却可能在几周后引发一场远在千里之外的风暴。压力如同蝴蝶扇动的翅膀,看似无害,却在一点一点悄然累积,最终引发心理风暴。...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:生物力学细胞力学 最近Cell 主刊发表的前沿观点探讨了癌症作为系统性疾病的复杂性,包括肿瘤启动和促进、微环境、免疫、衰老、代谢、肥胖、恶病质、昼夜节律、神经系统、血栓形成和微生物组等方面。过去 50...
By Dimitrios S. Mysiris et al. Source NCBI Abstract Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease after...
By Darren C. Greenwood et al. Source Lancet Background Symptom fluctuations within and between individuals with long COVID are widely reported, but...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:柳叶刀TheLancet 柳叶刀:请简单介绍中国人群中精神障碍的流行病学变化趋势。...