SARS-CoV-2 hijacks host CD55, CD59 and Factor H to impair antibody-dependent complement-mediated lysis
By Laura Gebetsberger et al. Source Taylor&Francis Online SARS-CoV-2 hijacks host CD55, CD59 and Factor H to impair antibody-dependent...
By Laura Gebetsberger et al. Source Taylor&Francis Online SARS-CoV-2 hijacks host CD55, CD59 and Factor H to impair antibody-dependent...
By Rachel Lobay et al. Source medRxiv 美國新冠,十倍嚴重 斷症失誤,禍害全球 This study shows that the number of reported COVID-19 cases in the U.S. before the Omicron...
By Ekaterina Pazukhina et al. Source BMJ 全球長新冠,富裕貧窮觀 黃泉無客店,病毒共存歡 From a prospective, observational study of 11,860 adults (age: 41-62 y/o)...
By Chi-Yung Shang et al. Source Sciencedirect 台灣兒童,新冠後遺 From a study of 84 children (age: 6–16) within 6 months after being tested positive for...
By Xiaowen Huang et al. Source BMC 新冠敗血,腦病叢生 48.9 million people suffer from sepsis each year, and 19.7% of global deaths are related to this...
By Diane Lee et al. Source Cambridge University 医院播新冠,兒童感染多 The study found that healthcare-associated COVID-19 infections in Canadian children...
By Yu Kaku et al. Source bioRxiv XEC 混變,將成主流 Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 XEC variant : data suggests that XEC will be a...
By August F. Jernbom et al. Source Nature Researchers found on the new-onset autoantibody repertoire in 525 healthcare workers and hospitalized...
By Abby Odle et al. Source JCI Insight This study found that mice previously infected with recent SARS-CoV-2 variants like Omicron were protected...
Modulation of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (which has a role in the modulation of behavior like aggression, mood, and impulsivity) by the...