梁卓偉專訪(下):病毒傳播不等人 政府應果斷出招減社交
The new coronavirus is causing havoc in rich countries. Often overlooked is the damage it will cause in poor ones, which could be even worse. Official data do not begin to tell the story……
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Stronger suppression measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 will be needed to avoid tens of thousands of excess deaths from the virus, a group of experts said…….
Stronger suppression measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 will be needed to avoid tens of thousands of excess deaths from the virus, a group of experts said…….
“IT IS POSSIBLE TO STOP THE EPIDEMIC.” That’s the message splashed atop a website built by a University of Oxford team this week to share new research on the spread of the novel coronavirus. Below that hopeful statement comes……
Anthony Fauci, who to many watching the now-regular White House press briefings on the pandemic has become the scientific voice of reason about how to respond to the new coronavirus……
The UK, US, EU and many other countries are currently in some degree of “lockdown,” with restaurants and bars, shops, schools and gyms closed, and citizens required, or at least strongly encouraged, to stay home to avoid catching or spreading COVID-19……
Bruce Aylward, a Canadian epidemiologist and leader of the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19, shares his insights with China Daily in Geneva on March 6. During the interview……
Confirmed cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus have surpassed 2.6 million globally. Businesses are coping with lost revenue and disrupted supply chains as factory shutdowns and quarantine measures spread across the globe, restricting movement and commerce……