Low tar cigarette marketing driving a boom in sales in China
Source World Report A deceptive and deadly marketing approach that Western tobacco companies were forced to disavow is propelling cigarette sales in...
Source World Report A deceptive and deadly marketing approach that Western tobacco companies were forced to disavow is propelling cigarette sales in...
By Ziyad Al-Aly et al. Source Nature Abstract Long COVID represents the constellation of post-acute and long-term health effects caused by...
By Carolyn Barber Source fortune For months, governmental officials around the world have appeared to want to forgo discussing the specter of long...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:中國中醫 近日,由国家卫生健康委等14个部门联合制定的《健康中国行动—糖尿病防治行动实施方案(2024—2030年)》发布,重点强调了9个方面的24条主要措施。...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:医药魔方Info...
Healthcare Manpower Projection Framework ✽ 2019 as base year ✽ Project the manpower demand and supply for 13 healthcare professions which are...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:晴耕雨读 抱朴守拙 一个组织要有铁的纪律,没有铁的纪律就没有持续发展的力量。华为最优秀的一点,就是将十七万员工团结在一起,形成了这种力量。公司发展这么快,腐败这么少,得益于我们在管理和控制领域做出的努力。...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:大品种联盟...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:人民政协报 一株小草改变世界、一枚银针联通中西、一缕药香跨越古今……发祥于中华大地的中医药,是中华文明的瑰宝,是我国5000多年文明的结晶,为中华民族繁衍昌盛作出了卓越贡献,也对世界文明进步产生了积极影响。...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:这就是中国...