By Charles Bankhead Source Medpagetoday Long-term exposure to air pollution may increase women's risk of breast cancer, a large cohort study...
Microbial dynamics and pulmonary immune responses in COVID-19 secondary bacterial pneumonia
By Natasha Spottiswoode et al. Source Nature Steroids may weaken the immune system, allowing harmful bacteria to grow in severe COVID-19. Monitoring...
Obesity May Raise Risk of Long COVID in Youth
By Jennifer Henderson Source Medpagetoday Elevated body mass index (BMI) in children and young adults was associated with an increased risk of...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:亞洲考古 “这一新发现纠正了基于李时珍《本草纲目》中‘烧酒非古法也,自元时始创其法’的流行观点,将中国蒸馏酒的出现时间提前至西汉时期,改写了中国酿酒技术史。”郑州大学历史文化遗产保护研究中心主任韩国河说。...
Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Delta/Omicron BA.5 emerging in an immunocompromised long-term infected COVID-19 patient
By Ignacio Garcia et al. Source Nature Study provides important insights into the genetic diversity and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and underscores the...
Brain Mechanisms Involved in Post COVID Syndrome: A Narrative Review
By N. V. Gulyaeva et al. Source springer 腦霧迷思,自殺傾向? Impaired brain functioning in PCS (post COVID condition or long COVID) is associated with a...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:Ai本草 中药自古就有“道地性”之说。关于“道地药材”,学术界和中药界有不...
Hospitalization for COVID-19, Other Respiratory Infections, and Postacute Patient-Reported Symptoms
By Yaqing Gao et al. Source Jamanetwork From a cohort study of 191,710 subjects, including 1,153 hospitalized with COVID-19 and 1304 with other...
Impact of universal masking in reducing the risk of nosocomial respiratory viruses among people with cancer
By Judy Yan et al. Source Cambridge University From a study on the impact of the masking intervention on nosocomial respiratory viral infections...
Overlapping conditions in Long COVID at a multisite academic center
By Stephanie L. Grach et al. Source Frontiers 美國長新冠,黃泉路上觀 全身器官壞,百病看萬般 From a survey in of 732 Long COVID (LC) patients (White: 95%, average age: 53...