台灣政府推口罩捐贈計劃 手機程式 4 步快捷辦妥
SYDNEY (Reuters) – More than two million Australians have downloaded an app to trace contacts of COVID-19 patients hours after its release, the government said on Monday, as states set out plans to expand testing for the infection…….
Hong Kong seems to have given the world a lesson in how to effectively curb COVID-19. With a population of 7.5 million, it has reported just 4 deaths. Researchers studying Hong Kong’s approach have already found that swift surveillance……
When you’re fighting a pandemic, almost nothing matters more than speed. A little-known band of doctors and hi-tech wizards say they were able to find the vital speed needed to attack the coronavirus: the computing power of artificial intelligence…….
When you’re fighting a pandemic, almost nothing matters more than speed. A little-known band of doctors and hi-tech wizards say they were able to find the vital speed needed to attack the coronavirus: the computing power of artificial intelligence…….
《刺針》(The Lancet)4月18日在題為《中國持續遏制新冠病毒》的社論中稱,積極的公共衛生干預措施在中國遏制疫情的過程中發揮巨大作用,方艙庇護醫院對於緩解醫療衛生系統所承受的巨大壓力也有至關重要的作用……