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Chinese and Western Therapeutic Pharmacological Research

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Chinese Herbal Medicine Outcome Improvements

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of COVID-19 is safe and effective. Researchers determined that specific herbal formulas demonstrate purity, potency, and efficacy. In addition, acupuncture treatments address signs and symptoms including coughing, fatigue, and fevers. In this article, we highlight essential herbal medicine findings…


患者女性,39歲,形體肥胖,自訴感冒1+月,曾服中西藥不效,症見神疲乏力,項背強,微惡寒,加衣側惡熱,自汗出,心悸怔忡,胸及脘悶痞脹,口渴。其脈沉細,右寸略浮,舌淡紅苔薄白中剝,證屬素體陽虛,外感風寒,表寒未盡,心陰心陽受損,胃津不足。方用桂枝湯 6g,四逆湯 6g,葛根1g ,日三服。患者藥後即時自覺胃中有一股熱感由內而外擴散,達至表皮後即微微汗出,胸悶脘痞立時大減,並覺頭目清爽⋯⋯

Vitamin D for COVID-19 : a case to answer ?

Interest in a potential role for vitamin D in the prevention or treatment of acute respiratory infections dates back to the 1930s, when cod liver oil was investigated as a means to reduce industrial absenteeism due to the common cold. Meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials conducted from 2007–20 reveal protective effects of vitamin D against acute respiratory infections, albeit these effects were of modest size and with substantial heterogeneity.1 The striking overlap between risk factors for severe COVID-19 and vitamin D deficiency, including obesity, older age, and Black or Asian ethnic origin, has led some researchers to hypothesise that vitamin D supplementation could hold promise as a preventive or therapeutic agent for COVID-19…

“三伏防暑最重要?错!做到“三防一养”,才能除病根! “




