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Molecular Research on Coronavirus: Pathogenic Mechanisms, Antiviral Drugs, and New Vaccines
By Mengjia Zhang et al. Source MDPI Since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2019, five coronaviruses have been found to infect humans, including SARS-CoV...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:海外国医名家...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:蓝血研究 6月2日,英伟达联合创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋在Computex 2024(2024台北国际电脑展)上发表主题演讲,分享了人工智能时代如何助推全球新产业革命。 以下为本次演讲的要点:...
‘Ozempic Burgers’ Offer Indulgences to People With Obesity
By Yoni Freedhoff Sourced Medscape My crystal ball says that Big Food's ongoing development and marketing of products designed for people taking...
Only Certain Groups of People Should Take Very High Vitamin D Doses
By Kristen Monaco Source Medpagetoday BOSTON -- Most healthy adults under 75 can get by with the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, but some...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:中國中醫 明天就是芒种节气了!芒种后气温升高加快,天气湿热加重,养生也要“忙起来”。啥事能做,啥事不能做,怎么吃更健康?小编都给大家整理好了!...
‘Don’t Screen’ for Vitamin D: New Endo Society Guideline
By Miriam E. Tucker Source Medscape BOSTON — New Endocrine Society guidelines call for limiting vitamin D supplementation beyond the daily...