Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:逻辑神经科学 撰文︱巫晓慧审阅︱王君明 点评︱陈 刚(暨南大学),杨莉(上海中医药大学)责编︱王思珍...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:生物探索 一只蝴蝶在热带雨林中轻轻扇动翅膀,这看似微不足道的动作却可能在几周后引发一场远在千里之外的风暴。压力如同蝴蝶扇动的翅膀,看似无害,却在一点一点悄然累积,最终引发心理风暴。...
Characterization of three-nucleate Rhizoctonia AG-E based on their morphology and phylogeny
By Ewa Moliszewska rt al. Source Nature 中國新冠大流行,過敏性鼻炎加增 From a China study using local big data of patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) in from 2018...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:中國中醫 黄元御是清代著名医家,其学说对养生的指导主要体现在重视平衡阴阳、调达肝木、调理脾胃功能等方面。其学术思想不仅对中医理论的发展有着重要的影响,也为现代人的养生提供了有益的指导。...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:經絡之聲...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:經絡之聲 第十八章 “真气”及相关气概念解析 第一节 从《灵枢•刺节真邪》看真气的本质...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:人民日报 “十年前的全国两会上,张伯礼院士说,要用现代化的观点、技术和研究方法对中医药进行研究。十年后的现在,我们在广东横琴建立起了这样的平台。这是我们国家正在做的,也会对世界做出贡献。”...
Covid inquiry: Ethnic minority doctors felt vulnerable and afraid to raise concerns
By Matthew Limb,Jacqui Wise Source BMJ Learning that the first 10 doctors in the UK to die from covid-19 were of ethnic minority origin sent...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.出處:中國中醫 今天是重阳节,又被称为“重九节”,是中国重要的传统节日之一。 《易经》中将“九”定为阳数,而九月九日,两九相重,日月并阳,故而取九九重阳之义,以示天长地久,健康长寿。...
Excess Deaths Highest Among Younger Minorities During COVID Pandemic
By Kristina Fiore Source Medpagetoday When it came to excess U.S. deaths during the COVID pandemic, racial and ethnic disparities hit younger...