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藥食同源,扶正抗疫—中醫藥膳食療預防「濕毒疫」 Using food as medicine and assisting the Vital Qi to fight against the epidemic: Prevention of the “Damp-Toxicity Epidemic” with Chinese dietary therapy

by | Jun 23, 2020 | Diet therapy

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類型: 連結
作者: 袁紹良YUAN Shaoliang
出處: 香港中醫雜誌 2020年 第十五卷 第二期
連結: http://www.hkjtcm.org/journals/2020年第十五卷第二期/15.%20藥食同源,扶正抗疫—中醫藥膳食療預防「濕毒疫」.pdf